The Haunted House – a spooky story [TEST]

Z okazji Halloween mamy dla Was straszną historię! To opowieść o nawiedzonym domu dla osób o wyjątkowo mocnych nerwach.
Przy okazji mamy dla Was zadanie polegające na dobraniu do luk brakujących słów. W kolumnie znajdziecie słowniczek z trudniejszymi słowami.

My name is Danny. I used to live in a haunted house from the moment I turned fifteen. There was always something strange going on in there. Doors were flying open and shut, you could hear voice and things _________________ (A). I would spend a lot of time there all by myself as my parents worked long hours…

One of the scariest things I have experienced in the house though was the little boy that frequently appeared in the living room. What was particularly strange about him was that his mouth was sewn...  There were days when I walked past the living room and I saw a doll-sized boy with angel-like blond curled hair wearing a school uniform. He just stood there, staring at me. He reminded me of someone I knew _________________ (B). When I tried to approach him, the boy suddenly disappeared. I remembered to keep the door closed so I wouldn’t have to look at him. Sometimes he wasn’t in the room but I tried to avoid entering it anyway.

_________________ (C) and things in the house continued to get worse, he started to grow. I started feeling like he stopped being little. I soon started thinking I was completely losing my mind.

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One day, I had a friend from out of town come stay with me for a day. I hadn't told him anything about the house because I thought he would not come if I had. _________________ (D) Tommy came, he asked if we could watch TV. He went to the living room and about a minute later he shouted: "Why is there a boy with a sewn mouth in here?". We were both so terrified that we ran out of the house screaming.

Eventually our family moved out and I could not have been happier. However, my parents could not sell the house because everybody thought that the house was haunted. One day, a few months later, I went for a trip to the old house to pack up a few things my mom had left in the house. The minute I got to the property, I started to feel unwell. I entered the house and instead of looking for the things I was supposed to bring, I dashed straight to the living room. I wanted to see if the boy with sewn mouth was still there. However, the room seemed vacant. I sat down on the sofa _________________ (E). As I looked around, something in one of the corners caught my attention. I couldn’t make out what that was at first. When I approached it, I realized it was a plastic balloon. It was completely deflated. I took it in my hands and realized the boy’s face was drawn on it. I got so petrified, I threw it back to the floor and immediately left the house _________________ (F) without even taking the stuff I was supposed to take. My parents eventually sold the house and I never returned there again.


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- zaszyty

- gapić się

- unikać

haunted house
- nawiedzony dom

- pospieszyć się

- pusty

- ze spuszczonym powietrzem